Applies to:
You can use keyboard shortcuts to format, message, and navigate through Wickr on desktop devices (Windows, Mac, and Linux). The following are commands for MacOS, but CMD (MacOS) and CTRL (Windows & Linux) are interchangeable.
General Shortcuts:
Esc | Close/hide the current window or popup |
Enter/Return | Accept any dialog box |
Tab | Continue to the next tab, coachmark |
Page Up/Down | Scroll through list of contacts, messages, search results |
cmd-/ | Open Nav menu |
cmd-, | Open Settings |
cmd-' | Open Admin console (if user is an admin of a network)* |
cmd-shift-E | Contacts list, Contact tab |
cmd-shift-D | Contacts list, Directory tab |
cmd-shift-P | Toggle presence |
F1 | Open Support screen |
In "Contacts" tab:
Tab | Switch between Contacts/Directory tabs |
For Messaging:
cmd-alt-left, cmd-alt-right | Cursor to beginning/end of line |
cmd-shift-\ or cmd-shift-| |
Open emoji menu |
cmd-+ | Open + menu |
cmd-shift-U | Upload/Attach file |
cmd-shift-L | Send Current Location (if enabled) |
cmd-[ | Show Quick Responses (if there are any) |
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 | Send Quick Response from list based on number |
cmd-shift-V | Record voice memo |
cmd-B | Bold highlighted text |
cmd-I | Italic highlighted text |
cmd-shift-X | Strike Through highlighted text |
cmd-shift-I | Inline Code highlighted text |
cmd-shift-C | Code Block highlighted text |
shift-enter | Create a New Line |
For Calling:
M | Toggle mute |
cmd-M | Mute All (call host only) |
V | Toggle video* |
S | Toggle screen share* |
cmd-shift-H | Hang up |
In "Search":
cmd-F | Universal Search |
cmd-shift-F | Universal Search + Starred Items |
Room/Conversation Navigation:
cmd-J | Focus to Find Rooms & Convos |
alt-Up, alt-Down | Next/previous room in list (start at first if none selected) |
shift-alt-Up, shift-alt-Down | Next/previous conversation in list (start at first if none selected) |
cmd-shift-R | Create Room* |
cmd-shift-M | Create Conversation |
cmd-M | Manage rooms/group |
cmd-E | View Room/group (view profile card for 1:1) |
cmd-P | Show Pinned Files |
cmd-D | Delete Room (if mod) |
cmd-L | Leave Room (if only mod, will prompt to delete) |
cmd-K | Start Call |
shift-Down | Scroll to Bottom of Chat |
* - Applicable to Wickr Pro Only
Page Up, Page Down on Mac is Fn+Up and Fn+ Down.
F1 on mac requires Fn+F1
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