Applies to:
How do I use location?
Sharing location is easy. On mobile, just click the "+" symbol next to the message text input. This brings up a menu where you can choose to share location. Note that you will need to allow the Wickr app access to your location sharing data. By design, unless otherwise given permission, Wickr cannot share your location data by default.
User may navigate to Settings->Privacy & Safety->Location Sharing to decide if they want to share a graphical map or simply a link that will open up their default map app.
Can I control users in my network?
Yes, administrators can disable location sharing as a control setting or disable user's ability to share graphical maps.
Is sharing my location secure?
Your location data is encrypted the same as regular messages. Wickr does not store your location data. You location data will never be broadcasted without your explicit permission to the app to do so.
Android only:
Android 5.x does not have in-app permission prompts. Anyone on this version MUST accept all permissions to use the app at all. This is Google's old methodology: Wickr is unable to change this behavior. This happens before the app is launched (during installation), which is why we cannot explain why we are asking for it after installation (during runtime like later versions of Android).
Android 6+ prompts the user for permissions during runtime, so they won't see any new permission when updating. If the user does not want to send their location, or does not want the app to have permission, they simply won't click "send current location" or won't grant the app permission when it requests it.
We use "FINE" location instead of "COARSE" location because this feature was designed for users who need reliability. However, we will be adding support for "COARSE" location later.
Wickr apps will not show up under "Recent Location Requests" in your OS Settings. This is because we do not request a new location, we simply used the last known cached location. This may change in the future, if we decide to use realtime location instead of the cached location.
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